Moving to a home with a septic system? Here is what you need to know

29 July 2016
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

When you move from a home with a sewer system to one with a septic system, it can take a little adjusting. While many things are the same, such as certain items you shouldn't flush down the toilet, other things can be a little different. Here are some things you need to know when moving to a home that has a septic system.

You Have to Be Careful With Laundry

One of the major differences between a sewer and septic system is that the amount of water your family goes through on a regular basis can change the health of your system. You put a septic system at risk of overflowing and becoming stressed if too much water is used at one time. When water and waste goes down the drains, whether from the sinks, shower, or toilets, it all goes into the septic tank. The water separates from the waste and ends up in the drain field, while the waste remains in the tank until it is pumped out. However, if you are doing a chore like laundry that uses a lot of water, the tank may get overloaded and struggle to get the water out. Therefore, when doing laundry, don't do all of it on the same day. Try to spread it out during the week.

The System is Sensitive to Certain Items

You also need to be more careful with what goes down the drains. Some items are similar to what shouldn't go into the sewer system, but others might be new to you. For example, body oil might be okay with a sewer system, but it does a number on septic systems. You need to be cautious when using body oil and then rinsing it off or using oils in your bath. Try to reduce how much you use. Cleaning supplies should be mostly natural, as hazardous chemicals in some cleaning supplies affect the wastewater treatment system.

The Tank Needs to Be Pumped

The main difference between a sewer and septic system is the septic system has a tank that needs to be pumped. The waste remains right in the tank until a plumbing professional comes out to pump it. With a sewer system, everything goes into the sewer, so you never bother with it again. You need to know how often to pump the tank so it doesn't overflow, which you can determine based on your family size. A plumber can also recommend the frequency of pumping the septic tank.
